Saturday 19 May 2012

Chinese man has tumour like the size of a football removed from face - and vows to return to the family he walked away from ( see photos )

37-year-old undergoes remarkable surgery on disfigurement after telling relatives to forget about him..

A Chinese man has successfully had a tumour the size of a football removed from his face.

Details are scant on the operation performed on Chen Jianguo at Sun Yat-sen University Hospital in Guangzhou, but as these pictures illustrate the change in his appearance is drastic.
The 37-year-old is said to have first developed a small tumour on his head in 1995

Chen Jianguo before his face tumour was removed at the Guanghua Stomatology Hospital

Not wanting to be a burden on his parents, he left the family home in Liandu town, Zhaoqing city in 1998 and decided to live rough.
“I told them that they have to take care of my brothers and sisters,” he told a reporter in a video report uploaded to YouTube in May of last year.
“They can forget they ever gave birth to me.”

It would seem that Chen was prepared for the worst before the remarkable surgery on the debilitating tumour.
“I will receive the operation, even if the risk of it going wrong is large,” he is reported to have said.
“If successful, the first thing I'm going to do is go home.
“If not, I'm glad to donate my organs to anyone who needs them.”
Chen Jianguo is seen after his face tumour is successfully removed at the Oral subsidiary Sun Yat-sen University Hospital in guangzhou
After: Transformation is staggering
Chen Jianguo is seen after his face tumour is successfully removed at the Oral subsidiary Sun Yat-sen University Hospital in guangzhou
Chen was prepared to donate his organs if the operation went wrong

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