Friday 25 May 2012

End bloodshed now – Sultan

By Luka Binniyat & Victoria Ojeme
KADUNA — The Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa’ad Abubakar (III), yesterday, condemned for the umpteenth time, the spate of killings and destruction in the northern part of the country by the militant Islamic sect Jama’atu Ahlus Sunnah Lid Da’awati Wal jihad, commonly refered to as Boko Haram and declared “enough of the bloodshed”. Towards this end, the Sultan has charged Emirs and Islamic clerics to do all within their powers to end the bloodshed.
Addressing the Central Council meeting of the Jama’atu Nasril Islam (JNI) in Kaduna yesterday, the Sultan of Sokoto, who is President in council of the (JNI) said: “We must not relent in our efforts for the search of peace and security within our society.
“The current level of insecurity in the Northern states is not only a source of worry and concern to all of us but is also slowly but surely tearing apart the fabric of our religious, social and economic life. You must put in your best efforts to find an end to this bloodshed.
From left : Deputy Governor of Kaduna State, Alhaji Mukhtar Yero; President-General, Jama'atu Nasril Islam and Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa'ad Abubakar III, and Emir of Kano, Alhaji Ado Bayero, at the Jama'atu Nasril Islam Central Council Meeting in Kaduna on Thursday (24/5/12). NANPhoto
“The north must come back to its  senses and declare firmly and resolutely that enough is enough of the  bloodshed. Each and every one of us must come to appreciate that we cannot continue on this destructive path.
“We must open active, meaningful and sincere channels of dialogue and communication to ensure that we listen to those who have real grievances and to take genuine efforts to address them.
“The Muslim Ummah must be resolute and stand against those who take advantage of this unfortunate situation to wreak havoc on society in pursuit of their narrow interests
“Allah is never indifferent to the plight of his servants and  will definitely put to shame those who seek to violate the honuor and sanctity of Muslims.
“I charge Traditional and religious leaders to counsel  those in position of authority at the federal, state and local government levels that governance must necessarily be equated with service to the people and the socio- economic development of the society.
The Sultan argued that “the   prosperity of the state must translate into the prosperity  of the entire populace, it shall not be the exclusive preserve of the few who happen to  have access to state resources.
According to him, “The current level of poverty, especially in the Northern states cannot be acceptable in any decent society. We must all work together to build viable community organizations to ensure that no man, woman or child is left to go to bed hungry regardless of his or her status and no individual is deprived of a decent education  or access to a functional health facility regardless of his or her economic circumstances”.

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