Monday 25 March 2013

Prophet Threatens To Walk On The Water Like Jesus

United Family International Church (UFIC) founder Emmanuel Makandiwa (pictured) has threatened to walk on Kariba waters to confound those who doubt his powers. Makandiwa made the claim three weeks ago just before he jetted out to the United States.

His spokesperson Pastor Prime Kufa said the "man of God did not directly challenge anyone", but was not amused by people who doubt him.

"All he said was people should not doubt miracles. They just need to believe and anything is possible even walking on water. he said if people are saying he is using evil spirits then they should come and be witnesses to his works or offer deliverance. He said God is able to make him walk on water if need be so that his critics can believe," said Pastor Kufakunesu.

This is not the first time that Makandiwa has threatened to repeat the miracle performed by Jesus Christ.

"Why did Jesus Christ walk on water when He could use the available boats?" Makandiwa said in a January 2013 sermon.

The charismatic preacher has stirred controversy with his 'miracles' including one which a baby was reportedly born after a 'three-day gestation period'. His UFI church is drawing crowds of up to 60,000 people, most of whom are reportedly following his miracles. This claim is supported by the fact that during his absence less than half of the total number of people who usually attend Makandiwa's services will be present. As soon as he returns, the church gets full with several thousands of people attending his service in overflow tents.

Makandiwa told his followers to brace for more miracles declaring "people with disabilities will be healed, bald heads will grow hair while others without teeth will develop new teeth."

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