Monday 8 April 2013

BBA Seydou and Talia Call It Quits

Seydou and Sheila.

Talia and Rapper, The Game at Runyon Canyon, LA.
Looks like SeyLia (Seydou and Talia) is/are no more.

The Big Brother StarGamers revealed via social media that they have split after they had seemingly rekindled their controversial romance.

Seydou had this to say:

"I do Understand that you are all very passionate people, Unfortunately it has come to my attention that some of you have been verbally abusing the ones I care about. Let me set the record straight, Seylia is an icon, and icons may live forever. Nevertheless Seydou Soumaré is a Human and as a Human life goes on and changes occur.

"I have posted I early November that me and T were cool and friends who cared about eqch other, however most of you chose to interpret the way it suited you. With all due respect, please stop living in the fantasy that my life revolves around Seylia. I don't owe anyone any satisfaction about my personal life, BBA days are long gone, this is the Real World and some aspects of my life must remain private all times. Despite any consideration I may have for my fans, Im the one who decides what to share and what not, it's my life and mine only.

"Me and S are expecting a baby, you don't have to like it but you shall respect it, that said you really have to take a chill pill and stop acting like babies, as most of you are grown ladies and mothers, no offence.

"You are entitled to go on speculating and assuming whatever you wish on how or when, but I'm affraid I don't have to answer any of your questions? This ain't an Interview.... Keep Spreading love and Unity, and remember, this is Seydou Soumaré's page. -- God Bless."

Talia also had this to say:

"Dear Fam,

Seydou and I shared what we did and I have no regrets ever trying. I walk away with no uncertainties..proud that I faced my demons and fought to fix what was broken and in the process fixed mysef. 

"He has found peace with Shiela, Peace that I never gave him and I believe with all my heart that he deserves it. See when you care about someone, you are happy for them inspite of yourself. Seylia will always remain an icon of love, triumph, forgiveness and friendship. Through adversity, not only are we given an opportunity to discover our inner strength, we are also given the gift of foresight so we can shine a light for others who go through the experience after us. 

"I have found my peace because he has. I feel that we are often taken out of our comfort zones, pushed and shoved out of our nests, because if not, we would never know what we could do with our wings, we would never see the horizon and the sun setting on it. 

"You have no idea how your advice and good will has made me strive to be a better person, uplifted me and helped me grow.. When I say family, it is beyond BBA, beyond stardom. It is a bond that I do not take lightly. I have been inspired by inspiring you all so thank you. -- Talia."

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