Wednesday 10 April 2013

Must Read! Actor Pete Edochie In Paternity Mess

Things fall apart... secret always come to light, no matter how long a secret is kept. Nigerian Films recently had a chat with a young model and actor in Kenya, the young man exclusively told us that veteran actor, Pete Edochie is his father but he has on several occasions denied his paternity.

He’s known as Ephy Saint in Nairobi, Kenya where he reigns as a model and a thespian of note.
This actor cum model is set to unravel the mystery surrounding his paternity as he claims to be a son to the veteran actor, Pete Edochie, popularly known as Okonkwo by movie buffs.

The 23-year-old Ephy Saint, who currently resides in Kenya, said he would love to be buried in Nigeria where his father, Pete Edochie, comes from.

What if this young man's revelations about Pete Edochie being his father are actually true? Wait till we bring you all the full details of his life with his mother who told him about his Nigerian actor father.

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