Thursday 27 June 2013

Save Your Relationship Today – Top 3 Ways

Do you need some free relationship advice? We all do from time to time. Do you feel like you are at a stand still in your relationship, or have you just broken up with your partner, or just not feeling as good about your relationship as you used to? Whatever the case, this free relationship advice will be able to help you with whatever relationships you have current and in the future.

Coming from a personal story, a few years ago, my husband and I went through a rut in our marriage. He was working full time and going to school full time, and I was working from home and taking care of our toddler and newborn baby. Things were hard for both of us, and we each got so focused on what our own personal tasks, that we all but forgot about each other, and us as a couple. It got to the point where we were almost roommates, and I was a single mom. I was talking to a friend about it one day, and she suggested setting aside one hour that night that just he and I talked, after the kids were in bed, we put everything aside and talked. It was the first time we had done that in a long time. I told him everything that was going on and how I felt, and he eventually did the same. We both said the same things were bothering us, and as I have talked to many family members and friends, they all say the same things that are important in relationships, yet the easiest ones to be put on the back burner and forgotten about: communication, respect and appreciation for the other person.

Communication with each other is key to any relationship. I am not talking about a “Hey, how was your day?” “Good” when you walk in the door and go about your life. I am talking about actually communicating and talking with your partner longer than 5 minutes. When you and your partner have good communication, you are better able to know what your partner wants and they can have a better idea of what you want.

Respect and Appreciation for your partner is so important. If your partner does not feel like they are respected or appreciated for what they do, they will close up and sooner or later, find it elsewhere. A simple “thank you” for whatever they might have done is a huge affirmation for them that they are appreciated and it goes a long way. I have found the more I say “thank you” to my husband for even taking the trash out, the more willing he is to do things, and he even does some stuff without being asked anymore and the same goes for me as well.

This free love relationship advice may sound easy or cheesy, but it is definitely not easy, and it is the best things to have in a relationship! But, it is important to remember, you can start improving your relationship by yourself! You do not need your partner to change, you can work on changing yourself, and your partner will eventually come around as well.


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