Tuesday 15 October 2013

Relationship Tips: 7 Things Every Man Should Know About His Wife!

Many men will tell you that they have no clue what their wives are thinking. Is she mad? Did I do something wrong? What’s the big deal? What did I say? She definitely took that the wrong way. So, the real question is how do men minimize these thoughts and improve their relationships with their wives? I think it’s rather simple. Get to know a few things about her that you just might not be considering.

1. She Doesn’t Need You to Fix Everything
Men have the tendency to try and fix things when their wives are upset and share a problem. But sometimes she just needs you to listen. That’s all. Just listen.

2. Her Opinion Needs to Matter
Nothing aggravates a woman more than feeling like what she says doesn’t matter. You don’t have to agree with her all the time, but let her know that you hear her and what she says actually matters to you.

3. She Wants You to be Her Biggest Fan
Sure, we have our girls, but honestly, nothing beats knowing that your man is cheering for you (and cheering louder than anyone else in the stands).

4. She Needs to Know that You Really See and Appreciate Her
Whether it’s a new hair style, losing 10 pounds, or a special meal – your wife just wants you to verbalize that you acknowledge something different and you appreciate it.

5. She Can Always Use Some “Me Time”
A night out with the girls, a manicure, a pedicure – whatever it is, she can always use a break. If your wife seems to be in a bad mood, encourage her to take some “me time” to do something special for herself. You will definitely see a change in her mood.

6. Tell Her How You Feel
Women typically over-analyze and make assumptions when they don’t have information. And when they are missing information, they go on a quest to gather the facts. Just tell her what’s on your mind, even if it’s brief and you just aren’t ready to discuss it in detail. At least this way she has a sense of what’s going on.

7. Do Things Without Her Asking
Even if your wife takes care of the kids’ bath time every night without complaining, why not offer to do it yourself. She’ll appreciate you for it.

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