Monday 4 February 2013

What Happened in Ghana Must Happen in Nigeria; Our Government is Rotten ––Pastor Bakare

Should desperate times call for desperate measures? Well maybe according to Pastor Tunde Bakare of the Later Rain Assembly and Vice Presidential candidate of the Congress for Progressive Change, CPC in the 2011 Nigerian presidential elections. He said many of those in government are corrupt and needs some shock waves to return to their senses.

See what he said about our "rotten system" below:
“Nigeria needs total cleansing. We need what happens in Ghana to happen in Nigeria to send a shock wave to the corrupt people in the country. The corrupt people will think of the grave consequences of their actions before they embark on corruption.

"The entire system is rotten. We need more than overhaul of the system. We need a constitution from the people; the one that is not imposed on them.”

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