Tuesday 2 April 2013

How To Deal With Your Jealous Ex-Boyfriend On Facebook

Trying to make your ex jealous is one of the oldest tricks in the book. But when your ex is trying to make you jealous, the situation takes a turn. In this day in age, people have a new platform to broadcast their perfections to make an ex jealous, Facebook.

Facebook allows a person to talk about how much fun that party was last night, how many people they have hooked up with, how well they are doing in their job, etc. It can definitely get annoying when the ex tries too hard to make them look good post breakup. It’s a tough situation, but what can you do? Well, there are multiple techniques for handling situations like this. It’s not a one size fits all solution.

Play His Game…Better
You can also try playing his game, but be smarter about it. It wouldn’t hurt to post a casual status here and there briefly stating a recent accomplishment. Don’t be too over-bearing about it and even make it seem like whatever you are posting isn’t even a huge deal.

Ignore Him
One of the things you may do is just ignore the ex completely. If you show no interest in him, eventually he might realize his plan isn’t working and he may lay off of the crazy Facebook-ing for the time being.

Get Perspective
Depending on the break-up situation, he may just be doing it for attention. If that is the case, be glad that you are not with someone willing to go to that effort and be an attention seeker. Pat yourself on the back and move on.

Check The Mirror
We know that notifications come up in the Facebook News Feed constantly, but why do you know EVERY status from the ex? Are you checking out his/her profile? If so, ask yourself these question: Why am I checking my ex’s Facebook profile? Do I still have feelings for this person? Is this a sign that we should not have broken up?

Bottom line, don’t get too worked up over that ex that’s crying out for attention. The only reason he/she is having a little to much fun on Facebook is to make you jealous. The only way you can win? Don’t seem or act jealous and continue on to the next best thing.

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