Tuesday 14 May 2013

Nollywood Actor Ibrahim Chatta Explodes ''I Am Not A Gold digger''

Nollywood Actor Ibrahim Chatta who got married to a Senator and former Kwara State Governor’s daughter, Salamat in April 2013 has been so hot on his friends on social media, Facebook recently when they wrote a nasty comment on his wall. 

The explosive comments he left was like a revelation about how he met his wife and how they both dated in the past before they now met again to solemnize their affair.

One o f the friends said, “Whatever it is, I hope he finds peace within his new marriage and I hope he has made peace with the mother of his son.”

Chatta responded, ''Yes I had my son out of wedlock, so how is it d poor boy's fault? Whatever u want to say does not matter I luv him. I have never been married 2 anyone b4 my wife so ppl should just have d fear of God b4 judging other ppl. Since the birth of my son, there has never been anytime I stayed in d same house with my baby mama for up 2 a month. 

If only ppl keep tabs of what they read in d papers, some will remember my baby mama on AKEDE AGBAYE a Yoruba magazine of 12th march 2012 where my baby mama stated that she is in love with one mr Arinola Adams and that she will never marry me because I don't take of her and my boy. 

D magazine further reported that Mr Adams who is also a movie actor and producer bought her a crysler car and that they were havin a movie project 2gether. Although havin knowing my beautiful wife since we were kids in Bacita, I wasn't involved with her as at d time of my baby mama involvement with her lover.

I granted interview 2 one reporter who intended 2 sell his own story 2 bring me down by re phrasing the things that I said b4 going 2 press. 

Some blogs copied from this reporter's page and made it my own story like I granted them d interview, of course I called d reporter to tell him He didn't make me, so he cannot break me, and that God is D Judge of every act. 

I told him ENI T'OLOHUN GBE DIDE T'ENI K'O SUBU, BI O SE WA SUBU YIO S'O JU OLOHUN. My baby mama told me of how she was manipulated into fight because d reported told her I said lots of bad things about her, she even showed me some messages and missed calls. 

Truthfully Salamat is a beautiful woman and she's from a well to do family, but if I intended 2 marry 4 money, I wouldn't have been available when she came along. Some of my very good fans and friends can testify 2 d fact that I searched for well over two years for d right woman after d relationship btw me and my baby mama turned sour, even on social media like fb. 

I am not a gold digger like some ppl wrote about me, I started life doing all sort of menial jobs like hawkin ice creams, meat(Eleran), doughnut and as well as worked as a bus conductor, even then those that knew me then can testify 2 d fact that I will never sell my conscience 4 money, 4 I like 2 hold my Head high. 2dy I have well over twenty ppl livin on d grace of God in me and that I can put food on my table is not d time 2 luv 4 money. 

So if. Salamat is one OMO ALATA with her beauty and characters I will still go on my knees over and over again 2 ask her 2 marry me. So @Adebola Adeyemi and all other BAD BELE sadist like her/him, just because 

I am an artist and I accept everyone's friend request doesn't give u audacity to judge me and put stupid comments on my wall. Everyone deserves 2 be happy, so do I, and if u are not happy 4 keep ur flipping comments 2 urselves and stay d hell away from my wall!!!'' 

Ibrahim with baby mama and son

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