Tuesday 4 June 2013

Relationship Tips: 15 Ways To Impress A Girl And Make Her Fall In Love With You Forever!

1. Show interest, and show her that you would like to get to know her and you were happy to meet her or talk to her.

2. Always look into her eyes when speaking to her. That subtly will make her see that you are really taking an interest. Just be careful not to get lost in her eyes when she’s talking, otherwise the only thing you’ll have to respond with is “Wow, you’ve got pretty eyes.” (see the first point).

3. Be sensitive and caring. Let her cry on your shoulder if she’s sad. Make her smile when she’s feeling crummy. However remember that she wants a man in her life so don’t be supplicating.

4. Lead. She wants to be the wooed and not do the wooing so be the first to initiate touch (non-sexual and sexual). Be the one that comes in for the kiss.

5. NEVER ask for ideas for what to do on the date, make plans and a back-up. If she knows of something better she will tell you.

6. Whisper in her ear. Girls love this.

7. If you have little siblings, nieces, or nephews, show her that you really care for them. Play with them, watch over and protect them, show the girl that they look up to you.

8. Dress nicely. Use an attractive cologne if necessary.

9. Be very hygienic with her.

10. Help others in front of her. (although you should always) Help the poor and needy to show that how much you care for others. But, show some more care for her, which she thinks that, this is only for her. 11. For Valentine’s Day (if you celebrate it) be sweet or thoughtful instead of showy and cliched. A dozen red roses may be the traditional romantic gift, but most girls will be better pleased with a few of their favorite flowers tied with a red, pink, or white ribbon.
Actually remembering a girl’s favorites will endear you to her more than any elaborate scheme. If it’s early in the relationship, though, and you don’t know her favorites yet, a teddy bear (or other stuffed animal) is a perfectly fine fallback gift. Do something original to you. But make sure you make her feel comfortable as well.

12. Pick up lines are OK as long as they aren’t obnoxious (meaning avoid the vast majority) or overtly sexual to someone you don’t know.

13. Make her laugh. Girls love guys with a great sense of humor. That doesn’t mean you should never take anything seriously, or else you’ll come off as a clown

. 14. Learn to dance and learn dance etiquette.
Take some ballroom classes to build your confidence, so you learn to lead a girl through a song. Girls love guys that can dance.

15. Take the first step, if you’re going to take her in your arms and sweep her off her feet on the first date, you’re about as oblivious as a fish. Girls like the fact that they’re being wooed so it doesn’t help if you’re that ‘what’s

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Source - www.gistplanet.com

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