Tuesday 2 July 2013

Man Gets $58 Million Compensation For Having 25% Of His Skull Smashed Off By A Bouncer.

43-years-old Antonio Lopez Chaj has been awarded the largest award in damages of $58 million after a bouncer smashed his head against pavement several times in a bar while Antonio was trying to stop a fight.
Antonio who was a house painted now has a brain damage that he can’t even speak and the bouncer and bartender who sparked the attack have disappeared without a trace.
Antonio’s skull is like a pie with 25% cut out of it. He was attacked at a mid-wilshire bar after after he tried to stop a fight between a bartender and a security guard on two relatives who were with him.
The fight happened in April 20,2010 when Antonio, his brother and two nephews, who all worked as house painters, went to Barra Latina, a neighborhood bar. One of the relatives got into a dispute with the bartender-manager who came after him with brass knuckles. The the security guard, Emerson Quintanilla, who is still at large, began kicking ad beating members fo the group.
Antonio tried to intervene saying “stop beating my nephews.” At that point, the guard beat him into unconsciousness. Part of his skull was gone when he got to the hospital. His life was saved biut he has a serious brain damage. He can’t speak and he requires a 24-hours nursing care.

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