Guys make mistakes, and they definitely make mistakes when it comes to women. If it were only seven, guys wouldn’t be that bad off, but here are seven mistakes of a more grand fashion that men make when approaching women. Pay attention. You probably do it, too. These so-called social snafus may not be what you think.
The root mistake. The first and most universal of mistakes that men make is more of an internal error then an external slip up. It is, however, the foundation of the multitude of errors guys make subsequently. You assume that a woman’s mind is like a video game. What that means is you assume that there’s some cryptic mental “cheat code” that can be used that will give you total access to every woman’s brain.
You are actually subconsciously chauvinistic enough to believe women are such a homogenous group that each member will react with comparable responses to your advances. In your minds, you’ve devolved women from the complex creatures they are into one-dimensional objects to be conquered. In short, you think you can do the same thing with all women to bag them.
Planning Conversation. Yes, planning conversation. Guys try to plan how a conversation with a new girl will go before they approach her. When the conversation doesn’t go as planned, men will freeze up and not know what to do. Why not listen to her and respond, actually having a real conversation? You’ll get a lot further than following a script she doesn’t even know about.
Bad presentation. Unless you’re at the gym, you have no excuse to look disheveled when approaching women. Here’s a hint: women check you out before you even know they’re doing it, so you might want to make sure your hair is combed, and your teeth aren’t a ghastly yellow color. Oh, and your shoe game has to be on point. Seriously, women look at shoes.