Tuesday 26 June 2012

BREAKING NEWS : Boko Haram confirms Bama’s death.

Everyone knows that we are waging Jihad to restore the supremacy of Islam.
**We also wish to express our happiness over the martyrdom Allah has blessed our brother Habibu Bama with.

A statement by Abul-Qaqa, the spokesman of the I Islamic terror group, Boko haram confirmed that Habibu Bama, the suspected mastermind of the Christmas Day blast at a church in Madalla, Niger State, was killed by operatives of the Joint Task Force (JTF) in Damaturu Yobe State on Friday.

The statement said: “In respect of what we heard in the media yesterday (Friday) that some people attempted to detonate a bomb in a Juma’at mosque in Kano, this movement Jama’atu Ahlis sunnah Lidda’awati Wal-Jihad hereby dissociates itself from this act.

“We are fully aware of this kind of conspiracy by the SSS, following a similar pattern of their counterparts in other countries to tarnish the image and reputation of Islamic fighters, they will not succeed, God’s willing.

“Everyone knows that we are waging Jihad to restore the supremacy of Islam, which is why we are labelled ‘Muslim fundamentalists’, how on earth can we then attempt to destroy a Muslim place of worship. This is therefore a conspiracy by those that are averse to the enthronement of an Islamic state, and they will not succeed by God’s grace,” he said.

“We also wish to express our happiness over the martyrdom Allah has blessed our brother Habibu Bama with. We pray God accepts his martyrdom. Besides, death in the battle front is the ultimate aim of every devout Muslim.

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