Thursday 25 October 2012

Unspeakable cruelty! Picture emerges of Chinese teacher holding a screaming pupil off the ground by his EARS

It is a photo that has sparked widespread condemnation in China, and outrage around the world – a primary school teacher holding a screaming child off the ground by only his ears.
The young boy appears to cry out in pain as he is hoisted into the air by 20-year-old Yan Yanhong.
A further 702 photos of Ms Yanhong's class in Wenling, Zhejiang Province, show children with buckets on their heads, with their mouths taped shut and dumped headfirst into wastepaper bins.
Abusive: The child appears to cry out in pain as teacher Yan Yanhong, 20, lifts him into the air by his ears
Abusive: The child appears to cry out in pain as teacher Yan Yanhong, 20, lifts him into the air by his ears
Painful punishment: Another child is forced to lie in an awkward, crab-like pose with his head on a chair
Painful punishment: Another child is forced to lie in an awkward, crab-like pose with his head on a chair
Another shows a shelf in the classroom littered with empty beer bottles.
The teacher exposed her own appalling behaviour by sending the shocking image to a friend, prompting a storm of criticism after it was posted online.

Ms Yanhong defended her actions in lifting the boy up by the ears, saying: ‘I see him as a good friend, and just made fun with him. 
‘I just wanted to take a picture, and after taking the picture, I instantly put him down.’  
The local education bureau said Ms Yanhong had now been dismissed and the school 'punished'.
The disgraceful pictures emerged following a recent scandal over CCTV footage showing another Chinese schoolteacher repeatedly slapping her pupils.
Cruel treatment: A defenceless young pupil with his mouth taped shut and hands taped to the desk
Cruel treatment: A defenceless young pupil with his mouth taped shut and hands taped to the desk
Unacceptable: Ms Yanhong defended herself after a barrage of criticism over her treatment of the children in her care. She has now been fired
Unacceptable: Ms Yanhong defended herself after a barrage of criticism over her treatment of the children in her care. She has now been fired
Mistreatment: Other pictures of Ms Yanhong's classroom show primary school pupils with buckets on their heads
Mistreatment: Other pictures of Ms Yanhong's classroom show primary school pupils with buckets on their heads
She was filmed hitting four children more than 120 times after they failed to answer questions.
The disturbing 30-minute CCTV footage of her slapping and kicking pupils was recorded at a pre-school in Taiyuan, in the northern Shanxi Province.
The incident came to light after the father of one of the little girls, named only as Mr Han, came home to find his daughter's face red and swollen.
Mr Han visited his daughter’s playschool and demanded to see the CCTV tapes, which revealed the teacher abusing his daughter and three other children.
He said: 'Within a short half-an-hour she slapped my daughter 43 times and kicked her twice.’
Irresponsible: Empty beer bottles are stashed on a low shelf in the 20-year-old teacher's classroom
Irresponsible: Empty beer bottles are stashed on a low shelf in the 20-year-old teacher's classroom
Humiliating: A pupil is made to kowtow for forgiveness in one of the 702 photos of the class that have already caused outrage across the world
Humiliating: A pupil is made to kowtow for forgiveness in one of the 702 photos of the class that have already caused outrage across the world
Painful lesson: Ms Yanhong claimed she and the boy were 'good friends' and she had just been 'making fun with him'
Painful lesson: Ms Yanhong claimed she and the boy were 'good friends' and she had just been 'making fun with him'
Mr Han added that the teacher slapped the other children 43 times, 27 times and ten times respectively during the short clip.
‘She should not be a teacher,‘ he said. ‘She is a monster.’
Mr Han said it was not the first time his daughter had returned from school with bruises on her face, but he had always assumed she had been injured while playing.
He added: ‘The teacher asked my daughter to add numbers more than ten. My daughter told her that she can't solve it, and then the teacher slapped her.’
The teacher in question has been sacked from the pre-school.

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