Thursday 30 May 2013

Must Read: What Your Urine says about Your Health

Most of us do not pay much attention to our urine when we go to the toilet. We consider it a waste product so few of us bother to even glance at it for any changes it may have. However, urine can offer a wealth of information on what is going on inside our bodies.
Urine is made by our kidneys as they filter the blood of any unwanted or excess products. It gets its natural pale yellow to amber colour from a pigment known as ‘urochrome’. In good health, urine should have little or no smell.
Most urine changes are often harmless and short-term but some of them are a sign of underlying health problems.
Colour changes: 
Deeply amber-coloured urine is concentrated urine. This is often a sign that you are not drinking enough fluids. Tea-coloured or dark brown urine can be a sign of kidney or liver disease.
It can also occur if you have a urinary tract infection or have been on certain medication like antibiotics, antimalarials and some muscle relaxants. People with diets rich in rhubarb or who take lots of aloe vera may notice the same changes.
Orange urine can be a sign of liver problems. It is, however, common in people who are on medication for tuberculosis, blood thinners and chemotherapy.
Occasionally, it is caused by foods containing high vitamin C or carotene, a plant pigment in orange coloured foods like carrots.
Red or pink urine can indicate the presence of blood. Blood in urine occurs when one has a urinary tract infection, cancers and growths in the urinary system or kidney problems such as stones.
In some people, very strenuous exercise can have similar effects. Foods that can cause pink urine include beetroot, rhubarb and berries. Medication such as some laxatives can also have same effects. People who have been exposed to toxic substances such as lead or mercury may have similar urine changes.
Blue or green urine: This unusual colour can occur in babies with a rare condition in which they have abnormally high levels of calcium. Food dyes and those used in certain medical tests, as well as certain medication, can cause this as well.
Changes in smell
Foul or fishy smells can be as a result of infection. Diabetics sometimes report a ‘sweet’ aromatic smell in their urine. A musky smell indicates liver problems.
Changes in quantity
Increase in urination frequency or volume: This occurs in natural conditions such as pregnancy and when one drinks too much fluid. It can, however, occur in diabetes, urinary tract infections, overactive bladders, prostate problems, stroke and Parkinson’s disease.
Via – Businness Daily

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