'' I need advice. Last week Friday I was going to ikeja for a job interview. I stood at the bus stop waiting for a bus to pick me up, I was out of luck that day the buses were either filled or not going my way, I started fiddling with my phone and I was distracted by the horn of a car trying to park In front of me, I was upset but I looked well and realized it was my boyfriend's father,he asked me to come in so I greeted him and he asked me where I was going and offered to assist me to my destination.
I was relieved because the last time we met I thought he did not like me( that day he was so cold to me) anyway during the course of the ride he asked me a few questions that made me realize that he did not remember me, I was confused , he touched my laps and told me u was beautiful( Stella I was confused, I did not even speak) my heart was racing .
I had reached my bus stop so he gave me his card and asked me to call him so we go out on a date , I want to tell my boyfriend ( his son) I am scared and confused I don't know what to do, pls advise me! No cussing please. Thanks''