Friday 23 August 2013

SCARY : Horned Sea Monster Washed Ashore In Spain - Photos

A sea creature was on thursday discovered along the coastline of Luis Siret Beach in Villaricos, Spain.

It featured what appears to be horns on its head. It was discovered in the advanced stages of decomposition.
A woman first discovered the head and then found the body farther down the beach, according to

The entire carcass with the head stretched 13 feet. “A lady found one part and we helped her retrieve the rest,” said Maria Sanches of Civil Protection in Cuevas. “We have no idea what it was. It really stank.” The find caused widespread speculation as to what it could be, some humorously suggesting it was a link to the Loch Ness Monster or was some sort of sea dragon or water dinosaur. More photos below; 

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