Dating can be fun, exciting and challenging. While dating is an opportunity to get to know one another, it shouldn’t feel like a tell-all book, in the beginning. Some information is on a need to know basis.
The single men did not want a woman to discuss the following:
1. How much money he makes as well as how much she makes
2. Whether or not she wants children right away
3. The relationship she has with her father
4. Anything about her ex, her s*xual history or any bitterness at all
5. Anything about her medical history
The single women did not want a man to discuss the following:
1. Thinking/Acting like they had to play daddy (if the woman happened to be a single mom)
2. Sharing too much about his ex-lovers, especially all at once
3. Why he thinks he’s a good man. This will be seen, if it’s true.
4. How great of a lover he is. This usually means s*x is what he’s most interested in.
The bottom line is that the list above is just TMI to potential mates. Of course we want to be honest, but we must also be careful with the message we are sending by revealing too much too soon. Dating should be discovering who fits, who we feel most comfortable with and who has the potential to last long term. Once someone finds that perfect mate they know it, and then it’s time to lay the cards on the table.