Tuesday 5 June 2012

See Photos Of DANA Aircraft Black Box, Plus More Revelations

Information at the disposal of Olufamous.com indicates that there is serious trouble at the National Civil Aviation Authority's over the avoidable lose of over 160 lives in the ill-fated Dana Air’s McDonnell Douglas – MD-83 – jet, which crashed on Sunday in Lagos.

Insiders told Olufamous.com that there is so much inefficiency at the NCAA's department of Air Worthiness and Safety Standards headed by one Patrick Ekunwen and that such could be said to be responsible for the "death-traps flying on our skies". (see another picture below)

It was further learnt that the 'air worthiness certificate' of this same aircraft, which many Nigerians have had negative experiences travelling with, was only signed last month by officials in the Air Worthiness and Safety Standards office.

So, the question is, who are those officials in Patrick Ekunwen's office who turned blind eyes to the obvious challenges of the MD-83 jet, leading to the death of our country men and women?

How are we (Nigerians) sure that most of these people working at the NCAA have the prerequisite qualifications to even go near an airport facility? Could it be that political patronage have also crept into this highly-technical sector? Will the recovered black box help out?

Too many questions begging for answers....Which way Nigeria!!

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