Tuesday 5 June 2012


Revelations continue to pour in as to the actual cause(s) of the crash of Dana Air flight 0992, which killed over 160 people on Sunday in Lagos, Nigeria. Several sources have called Olufamous.com with information in this regard and we are looking them up for a synergy.

However, an official of Dana Air has thrown more light on what transpired. He said...
"(The aircraft) was not supposed to leave Lagos at all, but it left and then got to Calabar, gave fault and it was fixed. And then they took it to Abuja, when they should have returned to Lagos but because they didn’t want to part with the little money they will make, they took it to Abuja, loaded full passengers, and then it couldn’t get to Lagos."

The official who pleaded anonymity also told Channels TV that "the plane has had problems that the airlines were aware and should not have flown but the owners insisted that the ill-fated flight must go ahead."

Why send people to their early grave because of greed??

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